Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 3: Adding Adapter Services | Compiling the Phase 3 Implementation
Compiling the Phase 3 Implementation
Creating the TestSampleAdapter3 Package
Configuring the Deposit Adapter Service Node
Testing the Deposit Adapter Service Node
To compile the Phase 3 implementation (the WmSampleAdapter3 package), use the procedure in Compiling the Phase 1 Implementation, substituting each occurrence of WmSampleAdapter1 with WmSampleAdapter3, and sourcePhase1 with sourcePhase3.
You must disable the WmSampleAdapter and all WmSampleAdapterN packages before you proceed. All of these packages have the same adapter major code and conflict with each other if they are not disabled.
You can use the FunctionInvocation adapter service template to create adapter service nodes that use any of the banking functions (Deposit, GetBalance, Withdraw, and so on). At a minimum, configure nodes for Deposit and either Withdraw or Transfer. You will need to execute these nodes later, when you test the notifications.
The following procedures describe how to configure and test the Deposit adapter service node. To configure and test other nodes, repeat these procedures, substituting the appropriate function name in each node.