Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 2: Adding a Connection | Compiling the Phase 2 Implementation | Configuring the Connection Node
Configuring the Connection Node
Perform the following procedure to configure the connection node.
*To configure the connection node
1. On the Integration Server Administrator > Adapters screen, click Sample Adapter.
The Sample Adapter management screen opens.
2. Select Connections.
3. Click Configure New Connection.
4. On the Connection Types screen, click Sample Server Connection.
5. On the Configure Connection Type screen, provide values for the connection's parameters.
a. Complete the Configure Connection Type > Sample Adapter section as follows:
Select the namespace node package TestSampleAdapter2. This is the package in which you will create the connection.
Folder Name
Type the folder name connections. This is the folder in which you will create the connection.
Connection Name
Type the connection name sampleConnection.
b. Complete the Connection Properties section as follows:
Sample Server Host Name
Type localhost.
Sample Server Port Number
Accept the default value 4444.
Local Transaction Control?
Select false.
Sample Connector Timeout
Accept the default value 20000.
c. Complete the Connection Management Properties section as follows:
Enable Connection Pooling
Accept the default value true, which enables the connection to use connection pooling.
Minimum Pool Size
Accept the default value 1, which specifies the number of connections to create when the connection is enabled.
Maximum Pool Size
Accept the default value 10, which specifies the maximum number of connections that can exist at one time in the connection pool.
Pool Increment Size
Accept the default value 1, which specifies the number of connections by which the pool will be incremented if connections are needed, up to the maximum pool size.
Block Timeout
Specify the value 20000, which specifies the number of milliseconds that the Integration Server will wait to obtain a connection with the Sample Server before it times out and returns an error.
Expire Timeout
Specify the value 20000, which specifies the number of milliseconds that inactive connections can remain in the pool before they are closed and removed from the pool.
Startup Retry Count
Accept the default value 0, which specifies the number of times that the system should attempt to initialize the connection pool at startup if the initial attempt fails, before issuing an AdapterConnectionException. The default value 0 means that the system makes a single attempt.
Startup Backoff Timeout
Accept the default value 10, which specifies the number of seconds to wait between each attempt to initialize the connection pool. This field is irrelevant if the value of Startup Retry Count is set to 0.
6. Click Test Connection.
The connection is tested based on the settings provided.
7. Click Save Connection.
The connection name is now listed on the adapter's Connections screen and in the Service Browser of Designer.