Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 2: Adding a Connection | Implementing the Connection Template
Implementing the Connection Template
Revised Code From Phase 1
To define the connection template, the adapter includes the following classes in the com.wm.adapter.wmSampleAdapter.connection package:
*WmSampleConnection, which extends the com.wm.adk.connectionWmManagedConnection class
*WmSampleConnectionFactory, which extends the com.wm.adk.connectionWmManagedConnectionFactory class
The bean properties declared in the WmSampleConnectionFactory class are:
The IP host name for the computer where the Sample Server is running.
The TCP/IP port number that Sample Server is accepting client connection. The default value is 4444.
The number of milliseconds that the Integration Server will wait to obtain a connection with the Sample Server before it times out and returns an error. The default value is 20000.
A flag indicating whether the connection will request local transaction control (true) or an auto commit mode (false).
The WmSampleLocalTransaction class is implemented to support the configurable local transaction control for the WmSampleConnection.