Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 1: Creating an Adapter Definition
Phase 1: Creating an Adapter Definition
Compiling the Phase 1 Implementation
Disabling or Deleting Your Copy of the Phase 1 Implementation
An adapter definition simply defines the adapter to your Integration Server. To create the adapter definition, the adapter includes the following classes:
Represents the main class of the adapter. In the Sample Adapter package's main source code directory, the adapter definition extends the base class WmAdapter.
Contains all the string constants used by the adapter. It includes such things as the major code, group names, parameter names, bean property names, and resource domain names.
Contains all display strings and messages used by the adapter at run time and at design time.
Registers and un-registers the adapter when the adapter package starts up and shuts down.
The first three classes are located in the com.wm.adapter.wmSampleAdapter Java package. The admin class is located in wm.wmSampleAdapter Java package.