Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Prerequisites for Code Compilation
Prerequisites for Code Compilation
Following are the prerequisites for compiling the Sample Adapter package:
*Have a Java SDK installed on your machine. The JVM installed with the webMethods software does not include a Java compiler.
*Update your jcode script in the Integration Server_directory \bin directory as follows:
*Have the JAVA_DIR defined for a full JDK directory. You will need access to a Java compiler.
*In the very last line of the command that executes the NodeUtil class, you must add the following paths to the classpath in order to compile the code correctly:
* Integration Server_directory \packages\WmART\code\jars\wmart.jar
* Integration Server_directory \packages\WmSampleAdapter\code\jars\SampleClient.jar
* Integration Server_directory \common\lib\glassfish\gf.javax.resource.jar
*Integration Server_directory \packages\WmART\code\classes
where Integration Server_directory is the directory in which you installed Integration Server.