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Given an adapter type name and a fully qualified connection factory class path, this service queries the connection factory and returns the metadata for all properties supported by connections of that type.
For example, a Java client might invoke this service as follows:
IData pipeline = IDataFactory.create();
IDataCursor pipeCursor = pipeline.getCursor();
The service returns a connectionPropertiesarray containing all metadata associated with each of the connection properties. Of particular interest are the systemName, parameterType, defaultValue,and isRequiredattributes, which you can use to configure a connection node.
Input Parameters
String. Required. The name of adapter (the value returned by WmAdapter.getAdapterName()).
String. Required. The fully qualified path of the WmManagedConnectionFactory implementation class.
Output Parameters
String. Required. The value returned by WmDescriptor.getDescription().
String. Required. The value returned by WmDescriptor.getDisplayName().
String. Required. The URL of online help page for the connection.
IData[]. Required. An n-dimensioned array of properties.
String. Required. The internal property name (adapter-specific).
String. Required. The external displayable property name.
String. Required. The displayable property description.
String. Required. The data type of property; see note 1.
String. The URL of the group's help page.
String. The name of the group to which the property belongs.
String. The name of the tuple to which the property belongs.
String. The name of the tree to which the property belongs.
String. The delimiter character used in the tree.
String. The resource domain name.
String. The default property value.
Boolean. Specifies whether the property is required.
Boolean. Specifies whether the property is displayable.
Boolean. Specifies whether the property can be modified.
Boolean. Specifies whether the editors should pre-fill the property.
Boolean. Specifies whether the property is a password.
Boolean. Specifies whether the property traverses multiple lines.
Boolean. Specifies whether the property is a key field.
String. The lower bound of the sequence.
String. The upper bound of the sequence.
String. The minimum string length.
String. The maximum string length.
String. Specifies whether the property is available for use.
The following Java data types are supported for connections: char, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, java.lang.String, java.lang.Character, java.lang.Short, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Float, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Boolean. Arrays are not currently supported.