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This service returns the connection manager metadata properties that are predefined for all connections, such as poolable, minimumPoolSize, maximumPoolSize, and others. (These are the properties of connectionManagerSettings.) No inputs are required to run this service.
The service returns a connectionManagerProperties array containing all metadata associated with each of the connection manager properties. Of particular interest are the systemName, parameterType, defaultValue, and isRequiredattributes, which you can use to configure a connection node.
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
IData. Required. An n-dimensioned array of connection manager properties.
String. Required. The internal property name, which is one of the following: poolable, minimumPoolSize, maximumPoolSize, poolIncrementSize, blockingTimeout, or expireTimeout.
String. Required. The external displayable property name.
String. Required. The displayable property description.
String. Required. The data type of property; see note 1.
String. Not applicable to connection manager properties.
String. Not applicable to connection manager properties.
String. Not applicable to connection manager properties.
String. Not applicable to connection manager properties.
String. Not applicable to connection manager properties.
String. Not applicable to connection manager properties.
String. The default property value.
Boolean. Specifies whether the property is required.
The following Java data types are supported for connections: char, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, java.lang.String, java.lang.Character, java.lang.Short, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Float, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Boolean. Arrays are not currently supported.