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Implementing Metadata Parameters Using External Classes
A basic model, by which all adapter metadata parameters are specified, is described in webMethods Metadata Parameters. The server derives a parameter's name and data type from the name of the accessor methods in the class to which the parameter applies.
If a class contains a conforming accessor method that uses an object data type other than one of the listed data types, the adapter interprets that object as being an external container for the metadata parameters. For example, if a WmAdapterService class contains an accessor method such as:
SetParameters(MyServiceParameters value);
then the server considers MyServiceParameters to be an external class that contains accessor methods. The server introspects the MyServiceParameters class, and derives metadata parameter names from it. MyServiceParameters must support a default (no argument) constructor.
In addition, this feature changes the name of the parameter string used in the descriptor methods (as well as the resource bundle) by prefixing it with the name derived from the method that implements the indirection. Continuing with the previous example, if MyServiceParemeters includes a method such as setFoo(String value), then the string that referenced this parameter would be:
where parameters is derived from setParameters, and foo is derived from setFoo.