Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Adapter Service Implementation | Manipulating Adapter Service Signature Properties | Template-Based Signature Properties
Template-Based Signature Properties
In the implementation of the adapter service's fillWmTemplateDescriptor() method, the following signature-related features may be configured using the following methods:
*WmDescriptor.setShowConnectionName(boolean) - When set to true, the reserved string field named "$connectionName" is included in the service input signature. This field allows flow writers to control the connection pool used during each invocation of the service. The "$connectionName" field is inserted in the top-level signature record, outside the wrapper. See the javadoc for WmDescriptor.showConnectionName() for more information on the effect of "$connectionName" on the run time behavior of the service. (Default = True.)
*WmDescriptor.setSignatureWrapped(boolean) - When set to true, adapter-defined signature fields are wrapped in a record called xxxInput for input fields and xxxOutput for output fields, where xxx represents the name of the adapter service node. (Default = True).
*WmDescriptor.setPassFullPipeline(boolean) - When set to true, the adapter service has access to all fields in the pipeline; when set to false, the adapter service may only read or write to pipeline fields that are part of the service's defined signature. (Default = False.)