Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Adapter Service Implementation | Specifying Adapter Service Configuration Data | Specifying the Display and Data Entry Attributes of the "Data Entry" Parameters
Specifying the Display and Data Entry Attributes of the "Data Entry" Parameters
After you create the parameters, you specify their display and data entry attributes by calling various methods of the WmTemplateDescriptor interface from the service's fillWmTemplateDescriptor method. The example code places each data entry parameter into a single group (in display order) referenced by the constant UPD_SETTINGS_GRP. (A constant is used to name the group (instead of a string) because the same value is used in the resource bundle to specify a localizable group name and help URL; see lines 8-11 of Code Example 3: Resource Bundle Updates.)