Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Adapter Service Implementation | Specifying Adapter Service Configuration Data | Creating "Data Entry" Parameters
Creating "Data Entry" Parameters
The sample implementation includes five metadata parameters that adapter users will use for data entry when they create adapter service nodes. Each parameter has:
*An accessor method (as shown in lines 53-57 of Code Example 1: WmAdapterService Implementation Class).
*A variable to hold the configured values (lines 42-46 of Code Example 1: WmAdapterService Implementation Class).
*A String constant containing the name of the parameter (lines 27-31 of Code Example 1: WmAdapterService Implementation Class).
*A set of resource bundle entries with a localizable parameter name and description (lines 13-36 of Code Example 3: Resource Bundle Updates). (For information about metadata parameters, see webMethods Metadata Parameters.)
The following table describes the purpose of each of these "data entry" parameters:
Enables adapter users to select a table to update.
Lists the columns in the selected table for updating. The resource domain lookup for this parameter will depend on the value in the tableName parameter.
Contains the default type associated with the columnName.
Enables adapter users to type a different data type for the column value.
A Boolean flag indicating whether the service will be used to update a single row or multiple rows of the table.