Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Adapter Service Template Interactions | Creating Adapter Service Nodes | Entering Names and Folders for Adapter Service Nodes
Entering Names and Folders for Adapter Service Nodes
The other significant adapter interaction that occurs when creating adapter service nodes occurs after the adapter user has entered the name and folder of the new adapter service node.
Before displaying the Adapter Service Editor screens, the following occurs:
*The server invokes the connection's adapterResourceDomainLookup method for each lookup registered with the service.
The values argument in these lookups will reflect the dependent parameters' default values that are cached when the adapter user selects a connection node. If your default value for a dependent parameter is null, make sure your resource domain lookup code can handle a null value in the values argument.
*After the lookups are complete, the server instantiates the adapter service template class (again), and each of the accessor methods are called.
Values passed to "set" methods come either from the parameter default, or from the result of a resource domain lookup. These accessor method calls merely validate their operation; the service class instance is not cached. This is the last interaction with the metadata parameter accessor methods during the process of creating an adapter service node. The "set" methods are not called with the final node settings until the service is executed.
The following figure describes this interaction.
Parameter interrogation during the creation of an adapter service node