Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Adapter Service Template Interactions | Creating Adapter Service Nodes | Selecting Connection Nodes
Selecting Connection Nodes
When the adapter user selects the connection node to be used by the service node, the server calls the fillResourceAdapterMetadataInfo method in the connection for the supported adapter service template class names. Then the server:
*Instantiates each of these template classes.
*Retrieves the default metadata parameter values (by calling the parameter "get" methods).
*Calls its fillWmTemplateDescriptor method.
All this information is cached in Designer session, and will not be requested again for any adapter service activity associated with that connection node. That is, after this information has been gathered from a connection node, the adapter user may create multiple adapter service nodes based on any template associated with that connection using the same set of cached information. This is particularly significant during development of metadata-related code.
The cache is not cleared when you recompile the code or reload the package, so it is critical that you refresh the cache manually when loading updated metadata code. (To refresh the cache, use the Refresh button on the Designer toolbar or select Refresh from the Session menu.)
The following diagram shows the adapter calls made when adapter users select a connection node.
Loading metadata cache in Designer