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Field Name String Values
A field name string can contain a simple value, such as "itemNumber", or a more complex value such as "customer.orders[].lineItems[].itemNumber". The complex field name string demonstrates the ability of a signature to specify hierarchy (using a dot ".") and multiplicity (using a pair a square brackets "[]"). Thus, this example shows an aggregate of customer fields containing multiple orders that may contain multiple line items that contain one itemNumber.
Follow these rules when creating resource domain values for containing signature names:
*A name can be used as a field (containing data) or an aggregate (containing fields), but not both.
*Each entry should contain a field with any containing aggregates. Do not specify aggregates alone.
*Both fields and aggregates can be arrays, indicated by square brackets. For example:
*Use name restrictions. For more information, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release. Because they are less strict than Java variable name constraints, there should never be a problem.