Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | The Adapter Definition | Setting Up Your Environment for Adapters | Registering Your Adapter's Major Code with Software AG
Registering Your Adapter's Major Code with Software AG
Every adapter built using the ADK requires an internal ID called a major code. A major code is an integer ID that Integration Server uses to distinguish journal log information between different adapter types. The major code is a four-digit number between 1 and 9999.
Each adapter implementation must have a major code that is unique from all other adapters built using the ADK that might be present in the same webMethods environment. Adapters with identical major codes will generate an error in the Integration Server log. More importantly, Integration Server log entries from same-code adapters will be indistinguishable.
The major code ranges are reserved as follows:
Major Code Range
This range is reserved for Software AG-built webMethods commercial adapters.
This range is reserved for adapters built by Software AG Development Partners. If you are a Development Partner, you must register your major code with Software AG. See The Adapter Definition.
This range is reserved for adapters you build for use within your own organization. You do not have to register the major codes for these adapters unless you will be running them in an environment where the adapters' major codes will conflict with other adapters in your webMethods environment.