Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | The Adapter Definition | Setting Up Your Environment for Adapters | Modifying Your Classpath | Modifying Your Classpath for Startup and Shutdown Services
Modifying Your Classpath for Startup and Shutdown Services
As you will learn in Creating Adapter Startup and Shutdown Services, you must implement adapter startup and shutdown services as IS Java services. To do this, use Software AG Designer. Alternatively, you may implement these services as a Java class in your adapter, and use the jcode utility provided by Integration Server to convert them to IS Java services.
If you use Designer to do this, you must add wmart.jar to the compile classpath in Integration Server_directory /config/server.cnf. For example:
watt.server.compile=javac -classpath
{0};$IS_DIR\\packages\\WmART\\code\\jars\\wmart.jar; -d
{1} {2}