Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | The Adapter Definition | Creating Resource Bundles | Resource Bundle Lookup Keys | Considerations for Adapter Definition Lookup Keys
Considerations for Adapter Definition Lookup Keys
As specified in the preceding table, the lookup keys specifying the adapter's display name, description, and vendor name are required. All other lookup keys are optional, but if you omit them, they may generate error messages in the log, and may make the adapter more difficult to use.
The adapterName reference in the Key Format column of the preceding table refers to the name of the adapter returned by WmAdapterImpl.getAdapterName (where WmAdapterImpl is the name of your WmAdapter implementation class). You may use the name of your WmAdapter implementation class if it is also returned by the getAdapterName method. Remember that the adapter name must be unique within the scope of Integration Server.
Alternatively, you may define a constant that both the lookup key and getAdapterName use. However, do not call WmAdapterImpl.getInstance.getAdapterName to retrieve the adapter name from either of these static initializers, or in the resource bundle constructor. Integration Server instantiates the resource bundle data during execution of the WmAdapterImpl super() constructor; calling getInstance from that point will produce undesirable results.