ActiveTransfer Server 10.7 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Working with Services in ActiveTransfer | Asset Document Types | Overview | Event Document Types |
Document type that contains the details of the unzip file action in ActiveTransfer Server.
Document Specifies the location to extract the zip file to. Variable are:
*destinationUrl Specifies the complete path of the destination folder to extract the zip file to. The path could be on the local machine or network, or could be on a remote machine. Examples: FILE://c:/ProjectFolder/download/ or FILE:////<host>/SharedFolder/
Make sure that the OS user running the ActiveTransfer Server instance has full access to the shared location. When you enter file path locations, be sure to end the path with a slash character (“/”) to identify the location as a folder and not a file.
*isRemote String Specifies if the destination folder is a remote path.
*true - The destination folder is a remote path.
*false - The destination folder is in the same network.
*isVFS String Specifies if the destination folder is a VFS.
*isRemote String Specifies if the destination folder is a VFS.
*false - (default) The destination folder is not a VFS.
*true - The destination folder is a VFS.
*username String (Optional) Specifies the username to access the remote system.
*password String (Optional) Specifies the password to the remote system.
If both isRemote and isVFS are set to true, then ActiveTransfer Server does not create the unzip file action.
String (Optional) Set this parameter to true, if you want to delete the original zip file after it is extracted to the destination folder.