ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Using ActiveTransfer | Working with Folders and Files | Uploading Files and Folders
Uploading Files and Folders
You can upload files and folders from your local file system to the ActiveTransfer Server using the web client.
*To upload a file or folder
1. In the web client, browse to the folder on the ActiveTransfer Server where you want to upload the file or folder.
2. Click Upload.
3. In the file system window, browse to and select the file or folder on your local file system to upload. To select multiple files, use Ctrl-click to select each one.
4. In the Files to upload window, the file you selected is listed. Click Add files to add additional files to upload.
5. To upload the files, use one of the following methods:
*To upload the file or folder without compression, click the Start icon next to the file or click Start upload to upload all the files.
6. Close the Files to upload window when you are done uploading files.