ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Server Configuration Parameters and Variables | Server Configuration Parameters | mft.event
This section describes the parameter you can set for post-processing actions configured on ActiveTransfer Server.
Specifies the time interval ActiveTransfer Server should wait to trigger a post-processing action. The default is 1 second. If you set the value of this property to 20 seconds, ActiveTransfer Server holds a post-processing action in a queue and triggers the action along with the other actions that are queued, at 20 second intervals.
Specifies the user name associated with the scheduled task whenever an Integration Server scheduled task is created by ActiveTransfer. The default is Administrator. However, ActiveTransfer does not change the user while updating the scheduled task.
Do not configure this parameter in your production environment. This parameter is provided to help solution providers debug the individual actions in an action.
ActiveTransfer reuses the connections (sessions) to remote servers that are created by ActiveTransfer actions. This is achieved by caching the sessions for the action and reusing them later in similar actions within the same action instance. This parameter specifies if client sessions should be reused or not in ActiveTransfer actions. The default value is true. If you set this parameter to false, a new session is created for each operation involving a remote server connection in the ActiveTransfer actions. The new session is closed soon after the remote operation is completed.
Specifies if the action name search in action log page is case sensitive.
ActiveTransfer Server attempts to rename a file when the Move operation is used and the host machine is the same for the source and destination locations. This adversely affects files located on two different drives. Set the property to false if files are moved across different drives to skip rename, copy, and delete the original file.
The manual schedule action is deactivated, by default. This parameter allows manual scheduled action to be activated.