ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Working with Jump Conditions | Jump Condition Elements | Jump Condition Qualifier
Jump Condition Qualifier
After you select the Jump task for an action, and have specified the server variables for the Jump condition, you can select a qualifier from the drop-down list in the Jump Condition section. The following qualifiers can be used in the jump condition:
Includes items that contain a specified value.
Does Not Contain
Excludes items that contain a specified value.
Includes items that equal a specified value.
Does Not Equal
Excludes items that equal a specified value.
Matches Pattern
Uses pattern matching to include items that match a specified pattern.
Does Not Match Pattern
Uses pattern matching to exclude items that match a specified pattern.
Greater Than or Equals
Includes items greater than or equal to a specified value.
Less Than or Equals
Includes items less than or equal to a specified value.
Greater Than
Includes items greater than a specified value.
Less Than
Includes items less than a specified value.