ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Agent | Installing ActiveTransfer Agent | Preparing ActiveTransfer Server for ActiveTransfer Agent Installation
Preparing ActiveTransfer Server for ActiveTransfer Agent Installation
Follow these preparatory steps on ActiveTransfer Server before starting ActiveTransfer Agent installation.
For details on how to perform the ActiveTransfer Server setup tasks, see Accessing ActiveTransfer New User Interface.
*To prepare ActiveTransfer Server for ActiveTransfer Agent installation
1. Add an HTTP or HTTPS listener for the agent to use when connecting to ActiveTransfer Server. Software AG recommends HTTPS for more secure communication.
Ensure that the agent is able use the port to communicate with ActiveTransfer Server through any firewall that you might have in place.
2. Add a user profile that the agent can use, and make note of the user name and password.
The agent instance connects to ActiveTransfer Server by using these user credentials. You can add more than one user profile, if required.
Multiple agent instances can use the same user credentials to communicate with a single ActiveTransfer Server instance.
3. Add the user name of the new user profile in the in the properties.cnf file.
a. Navigate to the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmMFT\config directory, and open the properties.cnf file.
b. In the parameter mft.agent.user, add the user name of the new user profile for the agent.
You can add multiple user names with comma as the separator.
For details on mft.agent.user, see Configuration Parameters and Variables.
4. If you have already installed ActiveTransfer Agent using Command Central, then you can configure ActiveTransfer Server to point to the respective Command Central instance by synchronizing ActiveTransfer Agent using the below steps:
a. Navigate to Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages\WmMFT\config directory, and open the CommandCentral.cnf file.
b. Register the Command Central instance by configuring the parameters:
For details on these parameters, see Configuration Parameters and Variables.
This configuration enables ActiveTransfer Server to synchronize the ActiveTransfer Agent installations with Command Central.