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Configuring ActiveTransfer Gateway
Prerequisties:ActiveTransfer Server is installed and configured.
Follow these high-level steps to get ActiveTransfer Gateway up and running.
*To configure an internal ActiveTransfer Server to connect to ActiveTransfer Gateway
1. Install ActiveTransfer Gateway according to the instructions in Installing Software AG Products.
For Integration Server database configuration during the installation, you can select the built-in database for internal processing purposes. However, it is not mandatory to have a database selection, since the ActiveTransfer Gateway does not mandate a database.
These next configuration steps assume that you have already completed all the steps listed in the summary of configuration of steps.
2. If you want to change the default registration port for ActiveTransfer Gateway, set the new value in the mft.gatewayServer.port parameter. For more information about the mft.gatewayServer.port parameter, see Server Configuration Parameters.
3. Specify the ActiveTransfer Servers that ActiveTransfer Gateway should accept connections from by providing the IP address of those servers in the mft.gatewayServer.accept.ip.list parameter. If this parameter is left blank, ActiveTransfer Gateway accepts connections from any ActiveTransfer Server. For more information about the mft.gatewayServer.accept.ip.list parameter, see Server Configuration Parameters.
Ensure that you configure ActiveTransfer Gateway to accept client connections through the registration port only from ActiveTransfer Servers. In addition, make sure that your network settings (firewall, proxy, and so on) for ActiveTransfer Servers are configured to block the connections from other applications for enhanced security.
4. Start ActiveTransfer Gateway. When the Gateway starts, it listens for a connection from one of the ActiveTransfer Servers specified in the mft.gatewayServer.accept.ip.list parameter.