ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Working with Services in ActiveTransfer | Asset Document Types | Overview | Event Document Types | wm.mft.assets.rec.event:MonitorFolderAction
Document type that contains the details of a ActiveTransfer Server monitor folder action.
String (Optional) The internal identifier for the ActiveTransfer Server monitor folder action.
String Name of the ActiveTransfer Server monitor folder action.
String (Optional) The description of the ActiveTransfer Server monitor folder action.
String (Optional) The status of the monitor folder action in ActiveTransfer Server.
*true - The monitor folder action is active.
*false - (default) The monitor folder action is not active.
Document Specifies the file monitoring criteria for the monitor folder action. Variables are:
*fileOperation String Specifies the action that will trigger the monitor folder action:
*CREATE: ActiveTransfer Server will trigger the monitor folder action on creating a file in the monitored folder.
*DELETE: ActiveTransfer Server will trigger the monitor folder action on deleting a file in the monitored folder.
*fileNameFilter String (Optional) The name of the file whose transfer will trigger this action. By default, ActiveTransfer Server considers all the files.
You can use wildcard characters to filter the file names. For example, enter *.zip to trigger the action only when zip files are created or deleted.
*monitorFolder String
Specifies the folder to be monitored by the monitor folder action.
*completionFolder String (Optional)
Specifies the folder to move the file after the successful execution of an action.
*errorFolder String (Optional)
Specifies the folder to move the file after the execution fails for an action.
*watchFrequency String
Specifies the time interval in seconds to monitor the folder.
*retentionPeriod String
Specifies the number of days you want to retain the files in Completion folder or Error folder
Document Reference List Refers to the wm.mft.assets.rec.event.action:Action document type and contains the list of actions and the details of the actions in the monitor folder action.