ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Working with Services in ActiveTransfer | Asset Document Types | Overview | Event Document Types | wm.mft.assets.rec.event:PostProcessEvent
Document type that contains the details of a ActiveTransfer Server post-processing event.
String (Optional) The internal identifier for the ActiveTransfer Server post-processing event.
String Name of the ActiveTransfer Server post-processing event.
String (Optional) The description of the ActiveTransfer Server post-processing event.
String (Optional) The status of the post-processing event in ActiveTransfer Server.
*true - The post-processing event is active.
*false - (default) The post-processing event is not active.
Document Specifies the file transfer criteria for the post-processing event. Variables are:
*action String (Optional) Specifies the action that will trigger the post-processing event:
*Uploads (default) User uploads a file.
*Downloads User downloads a file.
*Deletes User deletes a file.
If you specify an event based on the deletion of a file, make sure that any subsequent actions you define for the event do not rely on the presence of the deleted file.
*folderName String (Optional) Specifies the file folder. You can specify one of the following:
*Local file path
*Remote file path
*Virtual folder in a VFS
*transferStatus String (Optional) Specifies the status of the file transfer that should trigger the post-processing event:
*All (default)
*users String List (Optional) The list of users who will carry out the file transfer operation.
*executionMode String (Optional) Specifies when to run the post-processing.
*immediate (default) Run the post-processing event immediately
*userexit Run the post-processing event after the user exits all sessions.
*useridle Run the post-processing event after the user is idle for some seconds.
*idlePeriodForAction String (Optional) Specifies the idle period for the action.
Document Reference List Refers to the wm.mft.assets.rec.event.action:Action document type and contains the list of actions and the details of the actions in the post-processing event.