ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Managing Actions | Parameterizing Scheduled Action Tasks
Parameterizing Scheduled Action Tasks
Additional Information on Parameterizing Actions
You can parameterize the settings of a scheduled action tasks at runtime. By parameterizing the action task settings, you reduce the number of actions you would otherwise need to configure, especially when files are transferred across several source and destination file systems.
*To parameterize a configuration setting of a scheduled action tasks
1. In the navigation panel, click Action > Scheduled tab.
2. Select the action in the action list or add a new action.
3. Select the task that you want to configure.
4. Type [variable_name] in the setting to parameterize.
Where, variable_name is the variable assigned to the configuration setting that you want to parameterize.
For more information on parameterization of specific settings, see Additional Information on Parameterizing Actions.
5. Click Save.