ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Managing Listeners | Activating or Deactivating a Listener
Activating or Deactivating a Listener
When you activate a listener, ActiveTransfer starts the listener in all the instances. When you deactivate a listener, ActiveTransfer stops the listener in all the instances.
*When you start or stop a listener, the listener is started or stopped only on that ActiveTransfer Server or ActiveTransfer Gateway instance. However, when you activate or deactivate a listener, the listener is started or stopped on all ActiveTransfer Server instances or that specific ActiveTransfer Gateway instance.
*Ensure to activate a listener before you start it.
*Disabled listeners will not start when Integration Server is restarted or WmMFT package is reloaded.
*To activate and start a listener
1. On the navigation pane, select Listeners.
2. On the Listeners page, from the Instance list, select the ActiveTransfer Server or an ActiveTransfer Gateway instance.
3. Click on an inactive listener.
4. Under Bindings, select Activate listener and click Save.
The listener is activated and ActiveTransfer starts the listener in all the ActiveTransfer Server instances and or this specific ActiveTransfer Gateway instance.
5. Click the toggle button or to start or stop the listener respectively.
*To deactivate and stop a listener
1. On the navigation pane, select Listeners.
2. On the Listeners page, from the Instance list, select the ActiveTransfer Server or an ActiveTransfer Gateway instance.
3. Click on an active listener.
4. Under Bindings, deselect Activate listener and click Save.
The listener is deactivated and ActiveTransfer stops the listener in all the ActiveTransfer Server instances and or this specific ActiveTransfer Gateway instance.