ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Managing Listeners | Adding a Listener
Adding a Listener
You can add a listener to ActiveTransfer Server or an ActiveTransfer Gateway instance using the quick add feature. To configure additional settings for the listener, see Configuring Additional Settings for a Listener.
*To add a listener
1. On the navigation pane, select Listeners.
2. On the Listeners page, from the Instance list, select the ActiveTransfer Server or an ActiveTransfer Gateway instance.
3. Click .
4. In the Add listener dialog box, specify the following details:
Type a unique name for the listener.
Select the required protocol from the list.
Type a unique port number for the ActiveTransfer Server or ActiveTransfer Gateway instance.
Ensure that the specified port is not used by any application, including the default ports used for ActiveTransfer Server and ActiveTransfer Gateway (2080 and 8500, respectively).
Activate listener
Select this option to activate and run the listener in all the ActiveTransfer instances.
5. Click Add.
The new listener appears in the listeners list.