ActiveTransfer Server 10.15 | webMethods ActiveTransfer Documentation | Administering ActiveTransfer Server | Managing Certificates | Adding Certificates
Adding Certificates
You add and view the certificates using ActiveTransfer.
*To add a certificate
1. On the navigation pane, select Certificates.
2. On the Certificates page, click .
3. In the Add certificate dialog box, specify the following details:
Certificate alias
Type the certificate alias associated with ActiveTransfer Server. It must be a unique alias within ActiveTransfer Server.
Certificate usage
Click this option to check if the added certificate is used in any location in ActiveTransfer Server.
The button remains in the disabled state until you add and save a particular certificate.
The default certificates will not show any usage. However, it can be referenced in multiple MFT assets explicitly.
Type a suitable description for the certificate you choose. The maximum limit is 1024 characters.
Certificate type
Select one of the following supported certificate by ActiveTransfer Server:
*PGP Public Key
*PGP Private Key
*SSH Private Key
*SSH Public Key
Keystore password
Type the password that protects the Keystore. This password is required to access the certificate in the Keystore file for ActiveTransfer Server.
Key password
Type the password associated with the certificate.
Provide the location of the certificate from one of the following options:
Upload Certificate
Copy the certificate from a location by either performing a drag-and-drop action or browsing to a particular location.
4. Click Add to save the changes.
*You can delete a certificate only after removing it's references from all other assets.
*If a certificate is added by ActiveTransfer Server as a default host key, then the particular certificate cannot be deleted.
*To configure certificates, use the ActiveTransfer new user interface.