Invoke Mashables or Mashups
The form for URLs to invoke Business Analytics mashables or mashups using the REST API is:
operation-id = the ID of the operation in this mashable or mashup to run.
Many mashables, such as syndicated web feeds, have a single operation. Mashups also have a single operation.
input-parameters-if-any = add input parameters as query parameters in the URL when the mashable or mashup uses the HTTP GET action.
presto-parameters-if-any = optionally, add any
Business Analytics
Headers/Parameters to the URL to control processing, request specific information in the response or pass additional information to a mashable. Some of the most common
Business Analytics parameters include:
x-p-anonymous to have this request treated as a guest user, with no authentication required.
x-p-resultFormat to have
Business Analytics return the response in CSV, JSON or XML formats.
x-p-paginateStart and other pagination parameters to have
Business Analytics paginate the result and return one 'page' of data.
Working with theMashZone NextGenREST API for a basic example of using this API.