Business Analytics Administration : Business Analytics Server Configuration : Handle SOAP Encoding Errors for WSDL Services
Handle SOAP Encoding Errors for WSDL Services
Some WSDLs for web services use array datatypes from the SOAP Encoding namespace,, however Business Analytics does not automatically provide this schema for WSDL web services. This can cause unknown type or type resolution errors during registration of WSDL Web Services. To fix these errors, you must add a configuration property to the Business Analytics Server.
To add a configuration property
1. In any simple text editor, open the presto.config file in the MashZoneNG-config folder.
The MashZoneNG-config folder may be an external folder outside the Business Analytics Server or it may be in the default locations. See Setting Up an External Business Analytics Configuration Folder for more information on possible locations.
2. Add nsd.compile.schemas= on a new line in this file and save this change.
3. Restart the Business Analytics Server. See Start and Stop the Business Analytics Server for instructions.
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