Business Analytics Administration : Business Analytics Add-On for SharePoint (P4S) : Installing Business Analytics Add-On for SharePoint : Upgrading to New Releases of P4SP
Upgrading to New Releases of P4SP
The installation wizard for the Business Analytics Add-On for SharePoint solution also handles installing and deploying new releases when you have an existing version installed.
You must be logged directly into the SharePoint server using a SharePoint administrator user account for installation of new releases. See System Check: You do NOT have permission to install and deploy solutions! for additional information.
1. Download the Business Analytics Add-On for SharePoint installation package from Empower, the Software AG support portal, at
2. Log into the SharePoint server using a SharePoint administrator user account, if you have not already logged in.
3. Double-click the appropriate MSI file to start the installation wizard:
SharePoint 2007
SharePoint 2010
4. Leave the Repair option selected and click Next.
If you choose to remove the existing solution, instead, configuration for this solution will be removed. Once the new release is installed, you must configure this solution.
5. Once the installation step is complete, click Close.
6. Click Next to begin deployment of the solution for this release.
The installation wizard completes several checks to ensure that deployment is possible. See Troubleshooting Installation for the P4S Solution for information on common errors.
7. Once all checks are successful, click Next
8. Leave the Repair option selected and click Next.
Deployment begins.
9. Once deployment is successful, click Next
10. Click Close.
11. Upgrade the Business Analytics Servers in your environment to the compatible version Business Analytics and apply fixes, if any are available. See Install or Upgrade Business Analytics Servers for P4S for instructions.
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