Business Analytics Administration : Process Performance Manager Integration : Import the PPM Chart App
Import the PPM Chart App
The PPM Chart app, allows users to add charts to a dashboard for business process performance that were created in PPM. Users add PPM charts to workspace apps (dashboards) in Mashboard.
This custom app is available as an import package that is included in the Business Analytics installation. If integration with PPM is needed, you can simply import this custom app to make it available to users.
1. If it is not started, start the Business Analytics Server for the Business Analytics Repository where you wish to import data. See Start and Stop the Business Analytics Server for instructions.
2. Copy the MashZoneNG-install/mashzone/clientapps/ file to the MashZoneNG-install/prestocli/bin folder.
3. Open a command window and move to the MashZoneNG-install/prestocli/bin folder.
4. Enter this command:
padmin importApps -f -s -u username -w password
With the appropriate account credentials. This typically in an administrator account.
The -s flag ensures that this also imports the mashable or mashup dependencies for this custom app. There are other flags you may use. You may also specify a remote Business Analytics Server. See Importing App Metadata for more information and examples on this command.
Messages and errors from the import process are sent to the console window (stdout).
5. Once the import is successfully finished, find and open this app in Business Analytics Hub.
6. To allow other users to work with this app, add run permissions for appropriate users and groups. See Grant Permission to Run Mashables, Mashups and Apps for instructions.
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