Dashboards and Data feeds : Data feeds : Data feed operators : Data transformation operators : Change data type - single value : Behavior
Changes the data type of the incoming single value to the Number, Text, or Date data types.
Conversion of Text to Number
Numerical value of the text taking into account the decimal separator.
If the decimal separator is set correctly, any thousands separator is detected automatically.
Conversion of Number to Text
Text representation of the number in the internal format, or based on the language and the specified format. You can also specify a valid number of leading zeros.
If nothing is specified here, the results are formatted in the numerical format.
Conversion of Text to Date
Date value of the text in the internal format, based on the specified format and, where applicable, the language.
The date must be in the AD era. Date values before the common era are not supported. The time format must be specified. The time format is made up of sequences of characters, which stand for date fields, e.g., year, month, day of the week, or minute, in the relevant language; separated by separators. In addition, the corresponding language must be specified. Non-editable text must be enclosed in quotation marks.
When using the Q or q symbol for quarters, all other symbols except Y and y for years are ignored. Only the order of Q/q and Y/y is relevant.
Conversion of Date to Text
Text representation of the date in the internal format, or based on the language and the specified format
Non-editable text must be enclosed in quotation marks.
The format and language specifications are optional. If no format is specified, the data is output in the internal date format. If no language is specified, English (EN) is applied as the default language.
Conversion of Number to Date
Date value corresponding to the value of the number as milliseconds since 01/01/1970
Conversion of Date to Number
Number of milliseconds since 01/01/1970
Internal number format
If the user is logged in in English, the number format is Anglo-Saxon style with a period as the decimal separator and at least one decimal place, but without grouping characters.
Internal date format
yyyy-Q for specifying to the nearest quarter, otherwise yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss. The number of digits corresponds to the accuracy of the date, and the remaining digits are omitted. This is the transfer format.
Quarterly specifications
These are indicated by a Q within the section of the format that is not in single quotation marks.
Prerequisites for conversion of text into quarterly date values:
1. It is expected that a source value containing a quarterly date consists of just two sequences of figures indicating the year and the quarter. Any non-numerical characters can occur before, after and between them, e.g., Quarter 04/2009.
2. The pattern uses Y or y as the symbol for the year and Q or q for the quarter, e.g., quarter Q/y or Q Y.
1. The (first) two sequences of digits are determined from the source value.
2. The section of the format that is not enclosed between single quotation marks is used to determine whether q / Q or y / Y appears first.
3. If q or Q appears first, the first sequence of digits is interpreted as the quarter and the second as the year, otherwise the reverse.
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