Business Analytics Administration : Business Analytics Server Configuration : Business Analytics Notifications : Update the User Email Attribute from LDAP
Update the User Email Attribute from LDAP
When Business Analytics is configured to use your LDAP Directory as the User Repository, Business Analytics is configured by default to expect user email addresses in the mail attribute for LDAP user entries. If your LDAP Directory uses a different user attribute to store email addresses, you must update LDAP configuration information in Business Analytics to ensure that email notifications are successfully delivered.
To update the mail attribute
1. Click Admin Console in the Business Analytics Hub main menu.
2. Expand the MashZone NextGen Repositories section and click User Repository - LDAP.
3. Click Advanced Options and scroll down to find Business Analytics Query Properties.
4. Change the User Email address property to the name of the LDAP user attribute that contains user email addresses.
5. You may also want to update the list of attributes in Export User Attributes as MashZone NextGen Attributes and Attributes Used in Wildcard Search fields as these properties commonly include the mail attribute.
6. Click Save the changes.
7. Restart the Business Analytics Server to apply these updates.
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