Use Images in Template Code
To use images in a custom view or template, they must be hosted outside of Business Analytics at a fully-qualified URL or a Business Analytics administrator must upload the image file to Business Analytics. Image files may be in any commonly-used format for web pages, such as GIF, PNG or JPEG.
You can add images to a custom view or template using CSS styles or using an <img> tag in the view or template HTML code. This is an example using CSS and an external image:
<div style="height: 180px; width: 250px;
With images that have been uploaded to Business Analytics you simply use the Business Analytics URL. The full path for this URL is defined when the resource is uploaded, but is generally in the form http:app-server:port/mashzone/files/filename. This example uses an <img> tag and a Business Analytics URL:
<img src="http://localhost:8080/mashzone/files/myHeader.png"/>