Appendix : Legacy Presto components : MashZone NextGen Analytics : RAQL Extension to EMML Statements for Mashups : <storeto>
This statement stores the dataset contained in the specified variable in the specified In-Memory Store. This can be a declared In-Memory Store with a connection that a Business Analytics administrator has already added or it can be a dynamic In-Memory Store created by Business Analytics.
The semantics of this statement have changed significantly from Business Analytics version 3.6. Effective with version 3.8, the original semantics are no longer supported.
If data already exists in this store, the dataset in this statement is appended to existing data by default. You can choose to clear any existing data, if needed. You also choose the method used to assign unique keys to rows in this dataset and control some aspects of memory management for this store.
For examples, see Store Data in MashZone NextGen Analytics In-Memory Stores.
Can Contain
Allowed In
mashup | catch | else | elseif | for | foreach | if | macro | operation | sequence | try | while
The version of RAQL that is used in this statement. Version 2.0 is the default and is the only semantics that are supported.
The semantics for version 1.0, from Business Analytics 3.6 are no longer supported.
The method that MashZone NextGen Analytics uses to assign unique keys to each row in this dataset. Valid methods include:
*#auto_sequence = reserved for future use.
*column1[,column2,...] = one or more column names within this dataset. Multiple column names should be separated with commas.
If a single column is provided, the values in this column must be unique in the dataset. If multiple columns are provided, the combination of values for the columns must be unique. These values are concatenated to define the key value.
If a column name is unknown, an error message will be displayed.
*#timestamp_key = a unique number based on the current timestamp down to nano seconds (Systsem.nanoTime in Java).
*#unique = generates a universal unique ID (java.util.UUID in Java) for each row. You may also use #uuid.
*default is '#unique'. If the attribute is omitted, the value will set to default.
The name of the In-Memory Store to add this data to. This can be a declared store, using a name in the form, or a dynamic store using a simple name. For more information, see Declared Versus Dynamic In-Memory Stores.
Store names can be a literal value or you can assign them dynamically using mashup expressions. See Dynamic Mashup Expressions for more information.
If this In-Memory Store already exists, the dataset is appended to existing data by default. See the clearcache attribute for more information.
The name of the variable containing the data to be stored.
A comma-separated list of the columns in this dataset that should be searchable. If omitted, Business Analytics makes all columns in this dataset searchable.
Whether existing data in the In-Memory Store should be deleted. This defaults to false, appending data to any existing data.
Whether this In-Memory Store should be stored solely in local Business Analytics memory (false) or can be stored in memory managed by an external BigMemory Server or server array (true). Local memory storage is the default.
Memory management for In-Memory Stores is typically defined:
*By configuration for declared In-Memory Stores or
*Programmatically for In-Memory Stores that are created dynamically by external systems
Thus this property is only relevant for In-Memory Stores that are dynamically created by MashZone NextGen Analytics. Configuration in the dynamiccache.xml file in webapps-home/mashzone/WEB-INF/classes folder defines the connection information for the BigMemory Server.
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