Appendix : Administration : Event Service Configuration and Administration : Manage EDA Event Sources : Import EDA Event Sources
Import EDA Event Sources
You can import individual configurations of EDA Event Sources. You can import only EDA configurations that are stored in the importexport directory MashZoneNG-install\mashzone\data\importexport or in one of the subfolders.
The files are saved as archive files, *.mzp. If an EDA Event Source with the same name already exists it cannot be imported. The existing Event Source must be deleted first.
1. In the program bar click the user name by which you are logged in to Business Analytics.
2. Click Admin Console.
3. Click Event Service to expand this section of the Administration menu.
4. Click Event Service. The Event Service page will be displayed.
5. Open the EDA tab.
6. Click Import EDA Event Source.
7. Select an EDA .mzp file from the list:.
8. Click Import EDA Event Source.
The selected EDA Event Source with all relevant settings is imported and displayed.
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