Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Apps and Workspaces : Create Workspace Apps with Mashboard : Synchronizing Wired Apps When a Workspace Loads : Synchronize Row Selection on Workspace Load
Synchronize Row Selection on Workspace Load
In this case, the workspace needs to indicate a relationship between one row in an app and a corresponding row in another app. This example relates a list of employees with a list of job titles:
Wiring the publish rowselect topic for the DataTable of one app to the subscribing rowselect topic for the DataTable of another app allows the subscriber app to mirror row selection in the publisher.
This wiring has some specific limitations. If the apps are paginated, each DataTable contains just a single 'page' of rows in the dataset. This can result in matching errors, incorrectly showing no match because the matching row is not present in the current page.
Mapping published topic fields defines the relationship between the two DataTables.
Once wiring is complete, selection is synchronized:
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