Appendix : Administration : Business Analytics Server Configuration : Memory Configuration for the Business Analytics Server : Configuration When Business Analytics Uses Heap and Off-Heap Memory
Configuration When Business Analytics Uses Heap and Off-Heap Memory
Business Analytics should be configured to use both heap and off-heap memory only when the available memory supports this adequately and you have also installed BigMemory Servers.
You must have installed a copy of your BigMemory license in Business Analytics to use off-heap memory. See Manage Licenses for Business Analytics, Universal Messaging and BigMemory for instructions.
With combination heap and off-heap memory, as this figure shows, BigMemory uses off-heap memory for the MashZone NextGen Analytics In-Memory Stores and Business Analytics caches. All other Business Analytics processing, including the Event Service that is deployed with Business Analytics, remains in heap.
The total available off-heap memory may be limited to local off-heap memory as shown above, or it may include additional off-heap memory on external hosts if you have installed BigMemory Server arrays.
To update memory configuration:
1. In a text editor of your choice, open the application server configuration file appropriate for your operating system:
*MashZoneNG-install/apache-tomee-jaxrs/bin/setenv.bat, for Windows
*MashZoneNG-install/apache-tomee-jaxrs/bin/, for Linux, OS/X or UNIX
2. Change or add either of these memory options used with BigMemory:
Default = 1G
This is the maximum size of local off-heap memory that BigMemory can use for the MashZone NextGen Analytics In-Memory Stores and Business Analytics caches.
This property sets off-heap memory limits in the MashZoneNG-config/ehcache.xml configuration file. The total size of off-heap memory may include additional, external memory depending on how BigMemory is deployed.
Default = 1500M
This Java memory option must be set to allow access to both off-heap and an additional allocation for Java.
The value of this option must always be larger than the memory allocated to off-heap. A good rule of thumb is at least 500M more.
3. Change or set any of these Java memory options:
Default = 512M
Default = 1G See the Java Tuning White Paper for more information and suggestions.
Default = 128M
Default = 256M
4. Save your changes and restart the Business Analytics Server. See Start and Stop the Business Analytics Server for instructions.
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