Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Mashables and Mashups : Mashables
Types of Mashable Information Sources
Connect Information Sources as Mashables
Running Mashables or Mashups and Other Tasks
Mashable information sources are the fundamental data sources that you use to create mashups and apps. These information sources may be applications, databases or files that belong to your organization. They can also be events generated by business process tracking or other business intelligence processes. Or, they can be information sources that are publicly accessible.
Business Analytics supports a wide variety of information sources that you can register as mashables. This includes common standards such as web services, web feeds and databases, many common types of files, such as spreadsheets, or information from other Software AG applications such as business events or MashZone feeds. See Types of Mashable Information Sources for a summary of Business Analytics’s support and links to more information.
See Connect Information Sources as Mashables for links to instructions on how to connect and register information sources, subscribe to events or work with MashZone data feeds.
For event and Apama mashables, only Business Analytics administrators can create these mashables.
You can use mashables in mashups to combine, transform or further refine the information you are interested in. See Mashups in Business Analytics Wires and Mashups in EMML for links to more information on creating mashups.
You can also use mashables directly as the source of information for any number of basic apps or custom apps. See Apps and Workspaces for links to more information on creating apps from mashables or mashups.
You can run mashables to play with the information, add or manage views to configure how the information can be formatted, manage configuration for mashables and many other common tasks, See Running Mashables or Mashups and Other Tasks for links to working with mashable information sources.
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