Appendix : Administration : Business Analytics Server Configuration : Manage Data Sources and Drivers : Migrate JDBC connections : Migrate JDBC connections of Presto to Business Analytics
Migrate JDBC connections of Presto to Business Analytics
You can import the JDBC connections of Presto (version 3.9 and 9.9) in Business Analytics.
This upgrade is relevant for MashZone legacy JDBC connections.
1. Copy all drivers located in the jdbcdrivers folder of your Presto installation into thejdbcdrivers folder of the Business Analytics installation and restart the Business Analytics Server .
2. Check if the MashZone tab exists in the Admin Console of Presto. If not, open the presto.config file located in <Presto installation>\apache-tomee-jaxrs\webapps\presto\WEB-INF\classes\ and set the mashzone.administration.disabled=false flag and restart the Presto server.
3. Export the required connections in the Presto Admin Console (Admin Console -> MashZone -> Database Connections tab. You have to export each connection separately. See Presto online help for details.
The exported JDBC connections are stored as mzp files, starting with A_DATABASE…, in the importexport folder of your Presto installation.
4. Copy all database related mzp files in the importexport folder of your Presto installation to the dbconnections subfolder of the importexport folder in your Business Analytics installation.
5. Start the Business Analytics server if not already done. Then go to the runtool folder (located under Presto\mashzone\tools), open a dos command line and call:
migrationtool -user Administrator -password manage -folder dbconnections
All JDBC connections from the dbconnections folder will be imported into Business Analytics.
In the Business Analytics Admin Console the JDBC connections are separated in two parts, the driver part and the data source part. You can find all JDBC related items in the JDBC Configuration tab of the Admin Console.
If you need to upgrade a connection using a JDBC driver that consists of multiple JAR files, you will have to create a new driver JAR which bundles all the individual files into one single file. After that, you will have to copy the newly created JAR file to the Business Analytics installation.
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