Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Mashables and Mashups : Mashups in EMML : Writing Mashups in EMML : Invoking Component Mashups and Mashables : Controlling Component Mashup/Mashable Invocation at Runtime
Controlling Component Mashup/Mashable Invocation at Runtime
There are two attributes you can use in either <invoke> or <directinvoke> to define runtime invocation behavior for component mashups or mashable information sources. Both attributes are optional:
*Use the timeout attribute to set a maximum number of seconds to wait for a response. The default timeout is 5 minutes (300 seconds).
*Use the onerror attribute to determine mashup or macro behavior when invocation errors occur outside a <try> block.
If you use this attribute when the <directinvoke> or <invoke> statement is contained in a <try> statement, it overrides all <catch> statements.
The value for onerror can be either continue to have the mashup or macro continue processing or abort to stop any further processing. Abort is the default.
If you use the continue option, the Business Analytics Server considers the exception handled and returns error information. See Lightweight Error Handling for Component Mashups and Mashables for more information.
The ErrorHandlingSample (onerror.emml) sample mashup for a working example of both of these attributes. See Mashup Samples for a complete list of samples and where to find them.
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