Appendix : Administration : Business Analytics Server Administration : Deploying Business Analytics Instances, Clusters or Artifacts : Importing Mashable or Mashup MetaData
Importing Mashable or Mashup MetaData
you must have a mashable or mashup export file to import. See Exporting Mashable and Mashup MetaData for instructions.
If the export file contains database mashables or mashups that use named datasources, you or a Business Analytics administrator must also define these datasources and drivers before importing these artifacts. These datasources and drivers must exactly match the datasources and drivers from the Business Analytics Server that was the source of these mashables or mashups.
1. If it is not started, start the Business Analytics Server for the Business Analytics Repository where you wish to import data. See Start and Stop the Business Analytics Server for instructions.
2. Open a command window and move to the MashZoneNG-install/prestocli/bin folder.
3. Enter this command:
padmin importServices -f input-file [-l prestoURL]
-u username -w password [-c] [-o] [-v]
*-f input-file: is the path and name of the export file to import data from.
*-l prestoUrl: is optional. Use this if the Business Analytics Server is remote or is not running in Tomcat on the default Tomcat port. If you omit this option, this defaults to http://localhost:8080/mashzone/edge/api.
*-u username: is the Business Analytics username to log in with. This account must have Business Analytics administrator permissions.
*-w password: is the Business Analytics password to log in with.
*-c: is an optional flag to allow the import process to continue if errors occur when invoking mashables during the import. This flag does not force the import process to continue for other types of errors, such as network or server failures.
By default, any import errors stop all further processing.
*-o: is an optional flag to allow import information for a mashable or mashup to overwrite an existing mashable or mashup with the same ID.
*-v: is an optional flag to turn on verbose logging.
Messages and errors from the import process are sent to the console window (stdout).Once the import is successfully finished, you may confirm that mashables and mashups have been imported in Business Analytics Hub.
The following example, imports data from a file named localRestSvcs.xml.
padmin importServices -f localRESTSvcs.xml -u Administrator -w manage
The following example from a Windows environment, imports data from a file named localRestSvcs.xml and logs all messages or errors from the import process to a file named localRestImport.log.
c:\MashZone NextGenversion\prestocli> padmin importServices
-f localRESTSvcs.xml -u Administrator -w manage >> localRestImport.log
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