Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Apps and Workspaces : Custom Apps : Create Fully Custom Apps in the App Editor
Create Fully Custom Apps in the App Editor
Create Custom Apps from the Base App Package
Declare, Get and Set Properties in Custom Apps
App Dimensions and Resizing
Enable User-Initiated or Automatic Refreshes
Handle Exceptions
Wiring App Interactions
Tightly Coupled Interaction for Custom Apps
Wildcard Subscriptions for Tightly-Coupled Interactions
Enable Loosely-Coupled Interactions in Custom Apps
Declare App Topics and Payloads
Registering Sample Mashables or Mashups
Fully custom apps can use one or several mashups or mashable information sources from Business Analytics. They can also directly access web services from the Internet or use widgets or gadgets that are rendered wtih <object> tags.
The requirements for the app user interface are typically what determines whether an app must be fully custom or simply can be customized based on a basic app. You may need to create a custom app to provide specific interactions in the user interface, to get specific look and feel requirements or if the app uses a form.
Custom apps can be compatible with desktop browsers, mobile phones or mobile tablets.
This topic covers how to Create Custom Apps from the Base App Package in the App Editor. See Working in the App Editor for tips on editing and updating apps.
See these topics for basic techniques and simple custom app examples:
*Declare, Get and Set Properties in Custom Apps
*App Dimensions and Resizing
*Enable User-Initiated or Automatic Refreshes
*Wiring App Interactions
*Handle Exceptions
For general techniques or information, see also The Structure of a Business Analytics App, App Packages and App Files, App Specification Reference, Parameters for App URLsand Override Browser Caches for Updates to App Resources.
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