Specify actions for dashboard components
You can assign actions to specific dashboard components (e.g., charts, traffic light, label, image). The actions set a data selection in other components, call other views of the dashboard or jump to a specific URL.
For an action, you can specify a data selection of a specific component on a dashboard view, e.g., column in a table. The component will then be displayed applying the data selected. If the data selected also represents filter values for another component, this component is filtered accordingly.
The actions are triggered by clicking a component, by a mouse over event or by selection change, depending on the component selected.
On mouse over events are performed if you move your mouse pointer over a data point of a component, e.g., a coordinate of a Line chart. Whereas
On selection change events are performed if you click on a data point in a chart or if you delete a data selection in a component. Depending on the component you can delete a selection by clicking in the background or selecting the
Delete selection option in the
Menu of the component.
For the Grid component additional trigger options can be available, depending on your Grid component settings. That are
On "item" click and
On "item" traffic light click. Whereby "item" is a placeholder for a column name. In the Grid component settings you can make column cells clickable for triggering actions. See
Assign data columns to grid for details.
2. Click an inserted chart component that supports actions. The relevant properties dialog is displayed.
3. Click the Action tab.
4. Select the action trigger event in the Trigger drop-down menu.
The selection of actions is dependent on the selected component.
5. Activate the Change tab action to call another dashboard view by action triggering and select the target tab in the drop-down menu.
If you deactivate the option then the action will not be deleted but deactivated in the view mode.
6. Activate the Set selection option to set a data selection by triggering an action. This action set a specific selection in one or several of the components on the same dashboard view.
If you deactivate the option then the action will not be deleted but deactivated in the view mode.
7. Configure the Set selection action.
a. Click Configure to set the action configuration.
Initially all Available coordinates of the target components are displayed.
b. Set the coordinates of the component you want to select by your action. For this drag the relevant coordinate and drop it in the field of the Select selection component area.
c. Set the values that should be selected. You can enter a constant value or you can assign the values of a coordinate of another component. Drag the relevant component coordinate and drop it in the Selection field of the previously set coordinate.
Only the coordinates with the fitting values are provided.
d. Click Add an additional selection to define a further selection.
e. Click Save action.
8. Activate the Call URL option to jump to a specific URL by triggering an action.
If you deactivate the option then the action will not be deleted but deactivated in the view mode.
a. Click Configure to set the action configuration.
b. Enter the target URL in URL input field of the Enter target URL area.
You have the option to create a dynamic URL by adding Available coordinates to the URL. For this you can insert the coordinates from several components via drag and drop. A selected coordinate will placed on the current cursor position in the URL input field.
In case of a coordinate of typ number or date, click the inserted coordinate and select a Format pattern.
To ensure that a coordinate is URL encoded, click the inserted coordinate and activate the Use URL encoding option.
c. In the Target window field you can enter a name of the window where the URL should be opened, or you can select a target attribute in the drop-down menu. Available attributes are _blank (new window), _self (self window), _parent (parent window) and _top (entire window).
d. Click Save action.
Your action is specified for the selected component.
You can use the defined action in the dashboard view mode. See
View dashboards in
Business Analytics.