Using dashboards : Other : Display dashboards without application header
Display dashboards without application header
In view mode, you can display your dashboards without the application header of Business Analytics. Only the dashboard is displayed in the web browser tab.
1. Open a Dashboard in dashboard view mode.
2. You can hide the application header by adding the appheader=false parameter to the dashboard URL in the view mode in the following form:
http://<url to dashboard>?appheader=false
3. In addition, you can display a drop-down menu in the dashboard, which provides zoom, help and logout options. The menu icon will be displayed in the top right corner. Add the showmenu=true parameter to the dashboard URL in the following form.
http://<url to dashboard>?appheader=false&showmenu=true
The dashboard will be displayed without the application header in the view mode.
URL example
http://<local host>:8080/mashzone/hub/dashboard/dashboard.jsp?editmode=false&guid=0bd1cbcc-49d2-4cb1-a5fe-72cfdc624cda&appheader=false&showmenu=true
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