Appendix : Legacy Presto components : MashZone NextGen Analytics : RAQL Extension to EMML Statements for Mashups : RAQL Extensions to <variable> for File Data Sources
RAQL Extensions to <variable> for File Data Sources
The datafile attribute is available in the <variable> statement in EMML for use solely in RAQL queries. This attribute allows a mashup to directly populate the variable with the contents of the specified file, without registering the file as a Business Analytics mashable.
Files used as data sources must:
*Contain data in a format supported by MashZone NextGen Analytics. Currently this includes CSV (comma-separated-values) JSON, or XML. See Supported Data Formats for RAQL for details.
Because the document in a variable populated from a file is not necessarily XML and may not have a DOM, these variables can generally only be used in <raql> statements. Other EMML statements cannot work with this data.
*Be located in the classpath for the Business Analytics Server. You can place data source files in web-apps-home/mashzone/WEB-INF/classes or any folder outside of Business Analytics that you choose to add to the classpath.
You specify the file name in datafile as a literal or dynamic value. For an example of datasets loaded directly from a file using a literal name, see A Basic RAQL Query.
You can also supply file names dynamically from input parameters or other variables. For example:
<mashup name="FileAsInput"
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<output name="result" type="document"/>
<input name="srcFile" type="string"/>
<variable datafile="$srcFile" name="srcData" stream="true"

<raql outputvariable="result">
select * from srcData limit 25

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