Appendix : Legacy Presto components : Mashables and Mashups : Mashups in EMML : Writing Mashups in EMML : Invoking Component Mashups and Mashables : <directinvoke>
directinvoke Examples
Use <directinvoke> to invoke web services or web sites that are publicly accessible on the Web and thus not governed by MashZone NexGen. Web services that you invoke directly must have a REST, SOAP or syndicated feed (RSS/Atom) interface.
For a sample using <directinvoke> with a SOAP server, see the soapservice.emml sample mashup.
You can use a proxy server when mashups invoke services with <directinvoke>. This is determined by proxy server configuration for the Business Analytics Server.
You can also disable the use of <directinvoke> in mashups to prevent anyone from invoking services that are not governed by Business Analytics.
For examples and more information, see the following:
Can Contain
Allowed In
mashup | catch | else | elseif | for | foreach | if | macro | operation | sequence | try | while
The URI to the endpoint for the publicly accessible web service or web site to invoke. This can be an explicit URL or dynamic using variables. See Dynamic Endpoints or Parameters for <directinvoke> for an example.
The endpoint may use HTTPS and SSL for secure connections. <directinvoke> supports one-way SSL connections only.
Certificates for secure endpoints are validated against certificates in the trust store configured for the JRE (Java Runtime Engine) where the Business Analytics Server is running when the mashup script is run.
The default JRE Trust Store may or may not be the same Trust Store that is configured for the Business Analytics Server, which can cause errors. You must update Java configuration to avoid this problem.
For certificates issued by well-known certificate authorities, no additional configuration is required. For self-signed certificates or certificates from other certificate authorities, however, you may simply add the public certificate for the endpoint to the default trust store to allow successful invocations.
The HTTP method to use invoking this web site or web service:
Other attributes for <directinvoke> depend on the method used. For more information, see:
An optional attribute for the name of the variable containing the body of the request to send when method is POST, PUT or DELETE and the content is not name/value pairs. The payload of the request body may be:
*Well-formed XML. The variable containing this payload must be a document-type.
*Well-formed JSON. The variable containing this payload must be a document-type.
*A string in any form except name/value pairs. The variable containing this payload must have a string datatype.
The name of a document-type variable containing HTTP or web-service headers to use when this web or web site is invoked. The payload in a headers variable must be in the form:
web-service-specific header payload
-- or --
The required variable to accept the output of this statement.
For responses with complex data, this variable must have a document datatype. The response data can be either:
*Well-formed XML
With HTML or JSON responses, the subtype specified for the variable to contain the response affects how the response is parsed and converted. See Handling HTML Responses and Handling JSON Responses or Inputs for more information and examples.
An optional attribute for syndicated feeds identifying the protocol for normalization. See Normalization and Business Analytics Support for RSS/Atom Formats for more information.
Valid values include:
*native = does not normalize feed results.
*rss = normalizes the feed results to RSS 2.0.
*atom = normalizes the feed results to Atom 1.0.
An optional attribute to explicitly control whether <directinvoke> follows redirect directives from the endpoint:
*If omitted, redirects are accepted when method is GET and are ignored for any other method type.
*true = follow endpoint redirects regardless of the method.
*false = ignore endpoint redirects regardless of the method.
The HTML parser to use to fix an HTML response if the response is not well-formed:
*tagSoup = the default parser for versions 3.8 and later.
*jtidy = JTidy was the parser used in mashups for version 3.7 or earlier. Choose this option if the mashup needs backwards compatibility.
An optional attribute for the name of the variable to receive HTTP headers from the response.
An optional attribute for the name of the variable to receive the HTTP status code from the response.
An optional attribute for the name of the variable to receive cookies from the response.
An optional attribute to have the invocation bypass the proxy server, if any. This is false by default.
An extension attribute for use with other extensions from the Real-Time Analytics Query Language. See RAQL Extensions to EMML Statements for Streaming for more information.
The maximum number of seconds to wait for a response before terminating the invocation to this web service or web site. The default timeout is 5 minutes.
The behavior for the mashup or macro if errors occur when this web service or web site is invoked.
Valid values include:
*abort = Stops all further mashup or macro processing after an invocation error. If <directinvoke> is located inside a <try> block, any exceptions may still be caught and handled by subsequent <catch> blocks.
*continue = Continues mashup or macro processing after an invocation error.
If <directinvoke> is in a <try> block with onerror set to continue, the mashup or macro ignores any <catch> blocks.
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