Using data feeds : Importing data feeds
Importing data feeds
You can import data feeds to Business Analytics.
The data feeds are saved in a zip file that contains among other things the data feed definition, resource policy and data feed permissions. If you import a data feed including the permissions then the creator of the data feed can view and edit the data feed. Importing data feeds without the relevant permissions makes the importer automatically to the creator of these data feeds.
1. Open a command window and move to the MashZoneNG-install/prestocli/bin folder.
2. Enter this command:
padmin importFeed [-l prestoURL] -f input-file
-p importPermissions -u username -w password
[-v] [-o]
*-f input-file: path and name for the import zip file.
*-p importPermissions Imports the resource policy and permissions saved in the import zip file.
If you import data feeds without permissions makes the importer automatically to the creator of these data feeds and the data feeds has no explicit permissions which means that only administrators can see and work with the data feeds .
*-o: is optional. Allows to overwrite an existing data feeds.
*-l prestoUrl: is optional. Use this if the Business Analytics Server is remote or if it is not running in Tomcat on the default Tomcat port. If you omit this option, this defaults to http://localhost:8080/mashzone/esd/api.
*-u username: is the Business Analytics username to log in with. This account must have Business Analytics administrator permissions.
*-w password: is the Business Analytics password to log in with.
*-v: is an optional flag to turn on verbose logging.
Once the import command completes successfully, you can use the imported data feeds in Business Analytics Feed Editor.
pAdmin importFeed -l http://localhost:8080/mashzone/esd/api -f
-u Administrator -w manage -o
With this command the content of the data feed file " " will be imported to Business Analytics.
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